Bluemix Devops Services Track and Plan

Bluemix DevOps Services has a track and plan feature to support Agile planning.

In this tutorial you will learn how to use track and plan to create and monitor stories and defects in a web application project.


You are required to do the Bluemix DevOps Services Delivery Pipeline Tutorial.

  • The Bluemix DevOps project as well as the GitHub repository you created in this tutorial are needed in the current tutorial.

You are not required (but recommended) to do the Bluemix Basics Tutorial.

  • However, ensure that you have a Bluemix account.
  • Your account should have the space dev under the region US-South. The creation of the space dev is discussed in Bluemix Basics Tutorial.

You are not required (but recommended) to do the GitHub Basics Tutorial.

  • However, ensure that you have a GitHub account.

Open AN Existing Bluemix DevOps project

  1. Login to Bluemix DevOps.

  2. Click the <username>|devops-delivery-pipeline project you created in the Bluemix DevOps Services Delivery Pipeline Tutorial.

  3. Click the EDIT CODE button. You will be redirected to Bluemix DevOps' editor. In this tutorial, we will refer to this browser tab as DEVOPS-EDITOR TAB.

  4. On the DEVOPS-EDITOR TAB: Click (open in another browser tab) the Git Repository icon found on the left side of the screen. We will refer to this browser tab as DEVOPS-GIT TAB.

  5. On the DEVOPS-GIT TAB: Make sure that there are no Incoming changes. IF there are, click the Sync button to make sure that your Bluemix DevOps working directory and GitHub repository are in sync.

  6. On the DEVOPS-GIT TAB: Click (open in another browser tab) the BUILD & DEPLOY button. We will refer to this browser tab as DEVOPS-DELIVERY-PIPELINE TAB.

  7. On the DEVOPS-GIT TAB: Click (open in another browser tab) the TRACK & PLAN button. We will refer to this browser tab as DEVOPS-AGILE TAB.

    This opens Bluemix DevOps` quick planner that allow you to do agile planning.

  8. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: On the left pane, click the BACKLOG link.

    The backlog for the current DevOps project is empty. You will be adding entries in the backlog.

  9. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Click the Create a work item link to add a story.

  10. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: On the Type a work item summary text box, type the following: As a user, I want to see the multiplication table for 9.

    This is an example of a story. You may add attributes to a story using Tweet-like notation.

  11. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Make sure that your cursor is still in the text box and at the end of the As a user, I want to see the multiplication table for 9, click the following icons below the text box and choose the following values:

    type Story
    priority High

    Note: Mouse hover on the icons to know the purpose of each icon.

    Confirm that the text box now contains As a user, I want to see the multiplication table for 9 *story $high.

    If you made a mistake in using the icons, just copy the text As a user, I want to see the multiplication table for 9 *story $high in the text box.

  12. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Click the CREATE button.

    You now have your first entry in your backlog.

    You will add another entry, this time the type is a defect (instead of a story).

  13. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Click the Create a work item link to add a defect.

  14. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: On the Type a work item summary text box, type the following: Foreground color must be blue.

  15. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Make sure that your cursor is still in the text box and at the end of the Foreground color must be blue, click the following icons below the text box and choose the following values:

    type Defect
    priority Low

    Confirm that the text box now contains Foreground color must be blue *defect $low.

  16. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Click the CREATE button.

    You now have two entries in your backlog.

    You will fix the defect (i.e., foreground color must be blue) in the backlog. To properly track the fix you will do later, take note of the defect number of this defect. This is the number (around 4-digits) that is visible on the left side of the Foreground color must be blue entry. In this tutorial, we will refer to this defect as the foreground defect.

  17. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Click the Unassigned link of the foreground defect and assign it to yourself.

    In an actual project, you may add members in your Bluemix DevOps project so that you may assign a backlog to a particular member. You will learn later how to add members in a Bluemix DevOps project.

  18. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Click the New link of the foreground defect and change it Start Working.

  19. On the DEVOPS-EDITOR TAB: Open the file src/main/webapp/calculator.jsp.

  20. On the DEVOPS-EDITOR TAB: Update the body section of calculator.jsp to include the <font> and </font> tags:

    <font color="blue">
    <%="5 + 9 = " + m.add(5, 9)%>
    <%="8 - 2 = " + m.sub(8, 2)%>
    <%="4 x 7 = " + m.multiply(4, 7)%>
    <%="2 + 2 = " + m.add(2, 2)%>
    <%="3 - 3 = " + m.sub(3, 3)%>
    <%="4 x 4 = " + m.add(4, 4)%>

  21. On the DEVOPS-EDITOR TAB: Make sure to save the changes made.

  22. On the DEVOPS-GIT TAB: Refresh the page.

  23. On the DEVOPS-GIT TAB: Set the following values:

    Select All checked
    Commit message updated calculator.jsp to fix defect <defect number>

    IMPORTANT: Make sure to change <defect number> with the defect number of the foreground defect. If you don't remember the defect number, go back to the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB.

  24. On the DEVOPS-GIT TAB: Click the Commit button.

  25. On the DEVOPS-GIT TAB: Click the Push button.

    Your GitHub repository is now updated with the new version of calculator.jsp.

  26. Quickly switch to the DEVOPS-DELIVERY-PIPELINE TAB and verify that the Build Stage automatically started due to the changes made in the GitHub repository.

    Wait for the first three stages (i.e., Build Stage, Test Stage, and Dev Deploy Stage) to complete.

  27. Open another web browser tab. We will refer to this browser tab as CALCULATOR-APP TAB.

  28. On the CALCULATOR-APP TAB: Go to http://calculator-<your_name>

    The value of <your_name> is the one you used in the Bluemix DevOps Services Delivery Pipeline Tutorial.

    If you cannot recall the URL of your application, look at the Dev Deploy Stage of the DEVOPS-DELIVERY-PIPELINE TAB. The URL of the Bluemix application is indicated here.

  29. On the CALCULATOR-APP TAB: Verify that the foreground color is already blue.

Update your Work Progress

  1. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: On the left pane, click the MY WORK link.

  2. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Click the foreground defect to update its progress.

  3. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Change the status In Progress to Resolve.

  4. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: In the DISCUSSION text area, enter added the <font> and </font> tags to make the foreground color blue.

  5. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Click the SAVE button.

Add members to your Bluemix DevOps Project

In the activity below, you need to have a teammate with a Bluemix DevOps account.

  1. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: In the menu, click MY PROJECTS.

  2. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Click the <username>|devops-delivery-pipeline project.

  3. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Click the Invite others to join your project link.

  4. On the DEVOPS-AGILE TAB: Enter the Bluemix DevOps acount (e-mail address) of your teammate. Click the INVITE button.

  5. Ask your teammate to:

  6. login to his/her Bluemix DevOps account

  7. click MY PROJECTS

  8. click INVITATIONS

  9. click ACCEPT

  10. click MY PROJECTS

  11. verify if project you shared is already in his/her project list.

Delete your Bluemix Application

  1. Delete the Bluemix application that was created in this tutorial.

    This will free up some resources which is essential to accommodate new applications and services you want to deploy in the future.

  2. You may close all the browser tabs you have opened.

End of Tutorial

Go back to the List of Tutorials.

What's next?

Coming Soon

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