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Application Development Tutorial

JUnit Basics

JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. You may go to for additional information regarding JUnit.

In this tutorial we will learn how to create a simple test class that is used to test the methods of a Java class.

Prerequisite: Having a good understanding of Java programming is required to do this tutorial. Test

Copy Sample Codes from Git repository

  1. Open a terminal window and create the directory junittemp in the root directory. Go to the created directory.
    >mkdir junittemp
    >cd junittemp
  1. Clone the git repository and go to the created junit-basics directory.
    >git clone
    >cd junit-basics

The junit-basics directory has two subdirectories: src and build.

src has two subdirectories: main and test.

src/main contains the Java class src/main/java/net/tutorial/ which we will be tested later using JUnit. In addition, it contains the src/main/java/net/tutorial/ which is a sample Java application that uses

src/test contains the Java class src/test/java/net/tutorial/ which is the test class that will be used to test In addition, it contains the src/test/java/net/tutorial/ which is a Java application that will run the test.

build has two subdirectories: classes and libs.

build/classes is used to hold the the .class files that will be created later when we compile our .java files.

build/libs is used to contain the JUnit libraries (i.e, .jar files) that you will download later.

Download the JUnit libraries

  1. Go to

    Just in case the URL is broken. You may go to and find the download link.

  2. Download the latest version of junit.jar and hamcrest-core.jar and save them in the subdirectory build/libs.

Examine the Java class to be tested

  1. Let's examine the sample class which we will test later with JUnit.


    package net.tutorial;

    public class Math{

      //will be used in the multiply method to simulate that
      //the multiply method is taking too long to execute
      private void delay(){
          Thread.sleep(3000);//3000 msec. or 3 sec. delay
        } catch(InterruptedException ex) {

      public int add(int a, int b){
        //a-b is used instead of a+b to simulate
        //a possible error in the source code
        return a-b;

      public int sub(int a, int b){
        return a-b;

      public int multiply(int a, int b){
        //added delay to simulate that this method is 
        //taking too long to execute    

        return a*b;
    } contains the methods we want to test: add, sub, and multiply.

The add method is intentionally made incorrect by using return a-b; instead of return a+b; to demonstrate errors that may be detected by JUnit.

The multiply method contains the line delay(); to force the multiply method to execute for more than 3 secs. This is useful when we demonstrate the concept of timeout in JUnit.

The sub method is included to serve as a control. Since the implementation of sub is correct, JUnit should not report any error involving sub.

  1. The sample code above may be used by other Java classes to create an application. An example of this is


    package net.tutorial;

    public class Calculator{

      public static void main (String args[]){
        Math m = new Math();

        System.out.println("5 + 9 = " + m.add(5, 3));

        System.out.println("8 - 2 = " + m.sub(8, 2));   

        System.out.println("4 x 7 = " + m.multiply(4, 7));
    } represents a sample application that uses the class we discussed above.

  1. Compile and > Make sure that you are in the junit-basics directory before issuing the command below.
    >javac -d build/classes/main src/main/java/net/tutorial/*.java
  1. Run the Calculator application. bash >java -classpath build/classes/main net/tutorial/Calculator Output: bash 5 + 9 = -4 8 - 2 = 6 4 x 7 = 28

As expected, the output 5 + 9 = -4 is wrong. In addition, it took approximately 3 secs. before the line 4 x 7 = 28 appeared.

Test the Java class

  1. Let's examine the code which will serve as the test class to test the methods of


    package net.tutorial;

    import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
    import org.junit.Before;
    import org.junit.Test;

    public class MyTest{
      private Math m;

      public void initializeMath(){
        m = new Math();

      public void addShouldReturnSum() {
        assertEquals("3 + 7 should be 10", 10, m.add(3, 7));

      public void subShouldReturnDifference() {
        assertEquals("5 - 9 should be -4", -4, m.sub(5, 9));

      public void multiplyShouldReturnProduct() {
        assertEquals("8 * 4 should be 32", 32, m.multiply(8, 4));

Let's look at some code segments in that are not typically found in a Java code.

First of all contains a static import:

    import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

Static import allows us to access static items (e.g., static methods) in a class without specifying the name of the class. As an example, JUnit has a class Assert that has a static method assertEquals. If a non-static import (i.e., the typical way of importing a class) is used:

    import org.junit.Assert;

we need to specify the Assert class when calling the assertEquals method:

        Assert.assertEquals("3 + 7 should be 10", 10, m.add(3, 7));

Since utilizes static import, we may omit the class Assert:

        assertEquals("3 + 7 should be 10", 10, m.add(3, 7));

This makes the code shorter especially if we plan to use the assertEquals method several times.

Aside from a non-static import, utilizes several JUnit annotations :



Before we discuss @Test(timeout=1000) let's discuss @Test first. Placing the annotation @Test before a method specifies that a method is used as a test method. Therefore, has three test methods: addShouldReturnSum, subShouldReturnDifference, and multiplyShouldReturnProduct.

@Test(timeout=1000) has the same effect as @Test but performs an additional test by monitoring the execution time of a test method. If a test method executes beyond a specified timeout then it will produce an error. The timeout is in msec. This means @Test(timeout=1000) will wait for 1000 msecs. or 1 sec. for a test method to complete. If after 1 sec. a test method has not finished executing, a timeout error is reported.

In, the three methods (i.e., add, sub, and multiply) are tested with a timeout of 1 sec. Recall that we intentionally placed a 3 secs. delay in the multiply method. We expect a timeout error reported when we run the test later.

@Before indicates that a method needs to be executed before each test method is executed. In we use @Before in the following:

      public void initializeMath(){
        m = new Math();

Given this, the initializeMath method gets executed before each of the three test methods get executed. In, we may opt to omit the @Before annotation as well as the initializeMath method. However, we need to insert the instantiation of m in each test method. An example is shown below:

      public void addShouldReturnSum() {
        m = new Math();
        assertEquals("3 + 7 should be 10", 10, m.add(3, 7));

      public void subShouldReturnDifference() {
        m = new Math();      
        assertEquals("5 - 9 should be -4", -4, m.sub(5, 9));

      public void multiplyShouldReturnProduct() {
        m = new Math();      
        assertEquals("8 * 4 should be 32", 32, m.multiply(8, 4));

There are other JUnit annotations aside from @Test, @Test(timeout=1000), and @Before. You may check the webpage Unit Testing with JUnit - Tutorial for a discussion of other JUnit annotations.

It can be observed that the names of the test methods in (i.e., addShouldReturnSum, subShouldReturnDifference, and multiplyShouldReturnProduct) are relatively long. This is essential to make the report generated by JUnit more intuitive. When a test method encounters an error, the name of the test method is included in the report. Having very descriptive method names allows developers to debug the codes faster.

The last thing that is worth examining in is the assertEquals method. The assertEquals method accepts the following parameters: message, expected, and actual.

If expected is not equal to actual, the assertEquals method throws an AssertException that contains a message that is based on the message parameter.

Aside from assertEquals, there are other methods that can be used for testing. You may check the webpage Unit Testing with JUnit - Tutorial for additional methods that can be used for testing.

  1. Let's now see how the test class is executed. is an application that runs the test methods found in


    package net.tutorial;

    import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
    import org.junit.runner.Result;
    import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;

    public class TestRunner{
      public static void main(String args[]){
        Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MyTest.class);
        int errorCtr = 0;
        for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {
          System.out.println("Error #:"+ errorCtr);

        if (errorCtr == 0)
          System.out.println("Congratulations!  There are no errors.");

Notice that never explicitly called the test methods addShouldReturnSum, subShouldReturnDifference, and multiplyShouldReturnProduct found in

Instead, it simply calls the runClasses method in JUnitCore:

        Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(MyTest.class); 

The runClasses method has a parameter MyTest.class. It is able to identify the test methods to execute in because of the @Test annotations. The result of all test methods (i.e., succeeded or failed) are saved in result which is an instance of Result.

Result has a getFailures method which returns a List of Failure.

  1. Compile and > Make sure that you are in the junit-basics directory before issuing the command below.
    >javac -classpath build/libs/*;build/classes/main -d build/classes/test src/test/java/net/tutorial/*.java

Notice that the classpath includes build/libs/*. Recall that we downloaded and saved the two JUnit jar files in this directory.

  1. Run the TestRunner application. ```bash

    java -classpath build/libs/;build/classes/main;build/classes/test net/tutorial/TestRunner ``` **Output:* ```bash
    Error #:1 multiplyShouldReturnProduct(net.tutorial.MyTest): test timed out after 1000 milliseconds

    Error #:2 addShouldReturnSum(net.tutorial.MyTest): 3 + 7 should be 10 expected:<10> but was:<-4>

 As expected, the `multiplyShouldReturnProduct` test method resulted to an error since the `multiply` method of `` has a call to the `delay` method which produces a 3 sec. delay.  This is way longer than the 1 sec. timeout that is indicated in the annotation in the test method (i.e., `@Test(timeout=1000)`).

 In addition, the `addShouldReturnSum` test method also failed since we intentionally made the `sum` method of `` incorrect.  Recall that we used `return a-b;` instead of `return a+b;` in the `sum` method of ``.

####End of Tutorial
Written on March 3, 2014